Samuel Adams

[Samuel Adams to Joseph Warren] “Philadelphia, September 25, 1774. My Dear Sir, – I wrote you yesterday by the post. A frequent communication at this critical conjuncture is necessary. As the all-important American cause so much depends upon each colonys acting agreeably to the sentiments of the whole, it must be useful to you to […]

[Samuel Adams to Joseph Warren] “Philadelphia, September [24], 1774. My Dear, -Your letter of the 12th instant, directed to Mr. Cushing and others, came duly to hand. The subject of it is of the greatest importance. It is difficult, at this distance, to form a judgment, with any degree of accuracy, of what is best […]

“BOSTON, Aug. 15, 1774. Dear Sir, – Our public affairs have not changed their appearance since your departure. The people are in high spirits, and have the greatest confidence in the wisdom and spirit of the congress, whose decisions they seem determined to abide by. Mr. Gage sent, the day before yesterday, for the selectmen, […]

 [to Samuel Adams] “Boston, Feb.10, 1775. Dear Sir, – We were this morning alarmed with a report, that a party of soldiers was sent to Cambridge, with design- to disperse the [Massachusetts Provincial] congress. Many here believed it was in consequence of what was yesterday published by their order. I confess I paid so much […]

Date: September 26, 1774 “Messieurs Printers As I have been informed that the conduct of some few persons of the Episcopal denomination, in maintaining principles inconsistent with the rights and liberties of mankind, has given offence to some of the zealous friends of this country, I think myself obliged to publish the following extract of […]

[Joseph Warren in Boston to Samuel Adams at Philadelphia] Date: September 29, 1774 Dear Sir, – My last letter of the 26th instant you will doubtless have received by the post before this reached you. Since then, there have been arrivals from England, by which we learn that the ministry are still inflexible and obstinate. […]

by Thomas Young to Samuel Adams  “Boston 4th Sepbr 1774 “Dear Sir By the enclosed papers you will perceive the temper of your countrymen in the condition, your every wish, your every sigh, for years past, panted to find it. Thoroughly aroused and unanimously earnest, something very important must, inevitably come of it. That treacherous, […]

Date: September 4, 1774 [To Samuel Adams in Philadelphia] Dear Sir, – Our friends, Drs. Church and Young (whose letters I have seen), write so fully to you by this conveyance, that it will be needless for me to take up your time in giving a minute account of what has passed since my last. […]

Date:  July 4, 1774 signatures on document printed early in June 1774 “WE the Subscribers, inhabitants of the town of Westford having taken into our serious consideration the precarious state of the liberties on North-America, and more especially the present distressed condition of this insulted province, embarrassed as it is by several acts of the […]

“Boston, June 15,1774 Sir, – This afternoon was a meeting of a considerable number of the tradesmen of this town; but, after some altercations, they dissolved themselves without coming to any resolutions, for which I am very sorry, as we had some expectations from the meeting. We are industrious to save our country, but not […]