Elizabeth Hooton Warren

Date: May 17, 1773 Epitaphium Dominae Elisae War***. Omnes, flete, dolete, cari virtutis amici: Heu! Nostras terras Dulcis Elisa fugit. Quisnam Novit eam gemitus que negare profundos Posset? permagni est criminis ille reus. – D….. [Editor’s translation from the Latin]: Epitaph of Mistress Elisa War[ren] Everyone, weep, grieve, dear friends of virtue. Alas! Our lands […]

Date: May 3, 1773 “Died On Tuesday last [i.e. April 27, 1773]. Mrs. Elizabeth Warren, the amiable and virtuous Consort of Dr. Joseph Warren, in the 26th Year of her Age. – Her Remains were decently interr’d last Friday Afternoon. If fading Lillies, when they droop and die Rob’d of each Charm that pleas’d the […]