Injuriously Aspersed and Grossly Misrepresented

in by Warren

Date: October 23, 1769

Authors: Thomas Cushing, Samuel Adams, Joseph Warren, et al

“To Dennys DeBerdt, Boston, October 23, 1769.


In pursuance of the directions of the Town of Boston we have the honor to transmit you a Pamphlet containing some observations upon divers letters and memorials wrote by Governor Bernard and others wherein the Town has been injuriously aspersed and its inhabitants grossly misrepresented.  Your unwearied endavours to serve the Interest of this Province and the American Colonies in General, have been observed with pleasure and will ever be had in grateful remembrance by this people, and we are persuaded from your well known attachment to the cause of Liberty that you will exert yourself in behalf of this injured town and improve their vindication now sent you in such a manner as will best serve to set their character in a true point of light and that you will also employ your influence to obtain the removal of all the grievances the Americans at present labor under.  The inclosed Pamphlet will give you some idea what relief is expected by the People here, they will never think their grievances are redressed till every Revenue Act is Repealed, The Board of Commissioners dissolved and the Troops removed, and things restored to the State they were in before the late measures of Administration were taken.  These things being accomplished we doubt not that the Harmony which heretofore subsisted between Great Britain and the Colonies will be happily restored, an event ardently wished for by ever Friend to the British Empire.

We are with strict truth,

Sir, Your Obedient humble servants,

Thomas Cushing,

            Samuel Adams,

            Joseph Warren,

            Ri. Dana,

            Joshua Henshaw,

            Joseph Jackson,

            Benj. Kent.


Source: Massachusetts Papers, the Seventy-Six Society, Pages 124-125

Commentary: Joseph Warren participated in a committee writing to Massachusetts’ colonial agent in London, Dennys DeBerdt. They hoped that Mr. DeBerdt could reverse the impact of communications to the Ministry by despised Governor Francis Bernard, characterizing Boston Whigs as lawless ruffians. Boston Sons of Liberty framed their grievances as a matter of principle, impacting the entire Province of Massachusetts and all of British North America. They sought to engage influential Englishmen who were sympathetic to American Liberty. Not only was resistance to the Townshend Duties at issue, but the occupation of the Town of Boston by a contingent of British Regular soldiers had been dragging on since October of 1768.

The Town of Boston pamphlet to which this letter was attached is thought to have been written by Samuel Adams and possibly James Otis.

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